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All Waste, LLC
PO Box 26
Margaret, AL 35112


I have been informed by All Waste, LLC and I understand that the trucks and related equipment used by All Waste, LLC in the delivery, placement, settling, use, pick-up retrieval of the dumpster, may cause damage to yards, landscaping, sidewalks, driveways, patio soffits, gutters or other surfaces on which the trucks or equipment my travel upon or come in contact with. I hereby release and hold All Waste, LLC harmless for any damages to property, or injury to persons that may arise out of delivery, placement, settling, pick-up and retrieval of the dumpster.

I agree to indemnify and hold All Waste, LLC harmless in the event that any claims of any nature whatsoever are raised against All Waste, LLC that allege damage to property, or injury to persons arising out of delivery, placement, setting, use, servicing, pick-up and retrieval of the dumpster.

I understand that any damage to the dumpsters left on the service property is the responsibility of the customer/contractor to maintain the condition of the dumpster as it was when delivered. I understand that I will be liable to pay for any damages due to neglect or overloading of dumpster and/or equipment that may occur during drop-off or pick-up from those issues of neglect. Our drivers have the right to refuse service for dumpsters that cannot be safely transported.

I agree that the Release of Liability for Property Damage sets forth the entire understanding of all parties involved, and it may not be changed except by written document signed by both parties here to.

I, the undersigned, am stateing that I am over eighteen (18) years of age, and have full authority to authorize the Release of Liability for any Property Damage and/or and personal injury at the said property.